Monday, August 27, 2012

A UFO on my patio on a Sunday Afternoon

Harpoon Brewery - Harpoon's Unfiltered Offerings
UFO Pumpkin - 5.9% ABV

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon the Mr. and I wanted to kick back, fend off the mosquitoes, and enjoy a nice fall brew.  We decided on an unfiltered gem produced by Harpoon Brewery.  Typically I am not a unfiltered kinda gal but Rob swore to me that this was not like the others.  I do not say this often, and I am sure he is not going to read this blog entry, so I will say...he is right.  There I said it,  and I shall never speak of it again.

As soon as I flipped off the cap, the bottle released a subtle, yet inviting aroma.  It was of pumpkin and sweet malts. Ahhh, my lovely Munich malts, how I love thee.  I poured the beer with total reckless abandonment primarily because I was thirsty and did not want to waste any more time!  Beer does get warm in August pretty fast.  Just sayin.  

Since the beer was poured into the glass with no caution it produced a rather high foamy head.  It did not grace the top of the beer for long so it was not a disaster.  What the head did leave behind was a gorgeous amber colored beer with a slight haze.  The smell of spices and pumpkin were now more prevalent but still not overwhelming.  

The taste and feel of the beer was just as it looked and smelled.  It was smooth and had a mildly sweet start with a perfect finish of pumpkin pie spices.  Again, it was not overwhelming in the spices or as bold as the Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin, but it worked for what I was expecting and wanted to drink.

This is going to definitely remain in my fall line up and I am sure there are a few more pumpkin beers left for me to discover.  So, until then...I will leave you with a little song to get you all in the pumpkin mood. 



Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Pumpkin Porn

Southern Tier Brewery
Imperial Pumking - 8.6% ABV

It is still hot as balls outside but the pumpkin beers are chilled just right!  I know, it is still summer and all the little cherubs are still out of school and Mr. Softee is still taring down the neighborhood streets...but I can't help myself when it comes to pumpkin beer!  Some may say I have an unhealthy obsession with pumpkin beer, but I think that my palate is more sophisticated and I know what GREATNESS tastes like.  True story.

In the past year I have tasted, chugged, overindulged, and just sat back and enjoyed many different pumpkin beers. A few of those beers have made the cut to earn valuable shelf space in my beloved beer fridge, but some will remain in the store to trick some poor unfortunate soul in taking them home.  Sniff...sniff.  

My personal fall lineup

To start my pumpkin reviews I must pay homage to my first love, the PUMKING.  Yes he looks a bit devious and maybe offensive to the faint of heart but he is my lover.  He had me in a trance with the first sip and to be quite honest all the other pumpkin brews are unknowingly compared to him.  A few have held a spot next to the Pumking, but many have failed.  

The Pumking  is produced by Southern Tier Brewing Company located in Lakewood, New York and has grown to produce around 50,000 barrels of beer annually. They are on schedule this year to make over the equivalent of  2 million pints of  Imperial Pumking alone! Apparently I am not the only freako that is smitten over this beer.

Once opened you can smell sweet malts and nutmeg with a hint of pumpkin.  The pumpkin scents pick up as it is poured into my waiting tulip shaped glass.  I probably should pour it gently but my heavy hand created a pretty frothy head that thankfully disappeared rather fast.  What remained in the glass (but not for long) was a copper colored ale with a light carbonation. The first sip is just perfect.  It is smooth, sweet, and is well balanced between the pumpkin and nutmeg.  

I certainly can not recommend this beer anymore than I have so I have left a little pumpkin porn for your viewing pleasure in case you are on the fence.  Cheers!


Friday, August 3, 2012

Jesus Hath Cometh

I know, you are all saying "where has my amazing beer blogger gone?" or you may be thinking WTF sister get to drinking!  Now, to put all the rumors to rest and the uncertainty you may have in my blogging abilities I am back to blogging and I brought my brother for the ride!  (If you have not heard the rumors they may have said I never came back from Vegas after winning $.20 and lost my mind).


Now, for the review...

Evil Twin Brewery
Even More Jesus - 12% ABV

My first encounter with this gem was a picture on Facebook and  I just had to find this to try it for myself.  I sent a picture to Ryan and we were on a quest to find the golden labeled treasure.  Unfortunately this beer was not available across the bridge but Ryan tracked it down for us to try and review.

Kath - This beer was amazing from start to finish. It had a strong aroma of vanilla, chocolate, and coffee.  All of which I expected and love.  Once poured the color was almost black and the head was a thin caramel color that seemed to float.

The taste, oh my LORD the taste.  It was rich, chocolaty, and bitter sweet.   The body on this beer was super rich and malty that the 12% ABV was not overwhelming. Even More Jesus may be Even  More than I can handle...Blah ha ha!

Ryan - What we have here is a wonderful bottle of "Even More Jesus" by Evil Twin brewing.  Evil Twin brewery is located in Denmark and to date I've not had a beer from them that I did not like.  It's a damn shame since their beers come with a high price tag as well as I don't think a whole lot of it gets imported to the U.S. and I believe I read somewhere that they have only been importing here since 2010.  On to the actual tasting.

This imperial stout pours pitch black and hardly has any head at all.  I can smell a little coffee maybe some fudge and roasted malts.  The body is real thick and not much carbonation.  You can taste the roasted malts and some bitter chocolate and finishes strong and sticky.  The 12% ABV is well hidden.  Overall this is a great Imperial Stout and if you can find it you need to get a couple.  While I hold this brew in high regards I prefer Evil Twin's Soft Dookie over this but hey, I'll take both if I can find it.

Since the name of this delectable brew is Even More Jesus I figured why not picture an AR15 M4 Carbine which our U.S. military has been using to send folks to meet the man himself for years.  The Ar15 M4 is a weapon patterned after the original Armalite AR-15 which was designed by Eugene Stoner in the late 1950's.  He is one of the most highly regarded U.S. military arms designers of the 20th century.  The Ar-15 platform is lightweight, air cooled, gas operated, magazine fed semi-automatic weapon.  This weapon sends a .223 caliber projectile down range at a stunning 2900 feet per second (that's really fast, FYI).  Also, not only does the U.S. Military use this weapon platform but many police departments do now as well especially since the infamous North Hollywood bank robbery shootout where the police were completely under armed.  

I hope you enjoyed my review as well as the bit of weapon history.  

K & R

Monday, June 4, 2012

A Tan, the Beach, and a Blonde.

River Horse Brewing Company
Summer Blonde Ale - 4.5% ABV

Ahhhh, Memorial Day Weekend at the Jersey Shore.  It has been a family tradition for the past eight years to pack up the cars (we have since moved on to glorified minivans) with beach gear, beloved stuffed animals, and beer...lots of it!  Among the two cases of  mixed 6 packs,  River Horse Summer Blonde Ale made the trip to kick off the summer.  

This ale looked like a  lemon meringue pie poured in a glass!  Under the one inch white frothy head a  hazy yellow beer waited to be enjoyed.  When the head dissipated and the haze vanished it left a gorgeous golden yellow ale. The aroma had a very faint citrus scent with a mild hop undertone.

The body was light , super smooth, refreshing, with a fair amount of carbonation.  It had a sweet malty flavor of bread rather than a caramel malt. The finish was dry and crisp.  The level of hops were low to maybe moderate which balanced out the beer perfectly.  This my beer enthusiasts is a spot on example of a blonde ale.  It had the right color, aroma, ABV, drinkabilty, and just the right amount of hops.

I would have to say this beer is going to be my GO TO beer this summer.  It is the PERFECT baseball watching, backyard tanning, and can't believe the kids are home for 10 long weeks kind of beer!

If this is your style of beer then drive on up to your local beer enabler's store to get yourself a six pack, case, or a sixtel.  I have purchased all of the above, and to have this beer on tap...well it is a wonderful thing.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Neighbor Had Me at Stout!

Hello my fellow beer lovers...miss me? Wondering and waitng for me since it has been 30 plus days since my last confession?  Do not fret, I have not stopped drinking! I repeat...I am still drinking. I have also repented for my lack of entries.  I have had multiple beers and said 4 Our Lagers. Hopefully this will make you all forgive me and welcome my snarky reviews. 

In the past month I have had several different kinds of beers since I am on a quest to find the perfect summer beer.  You all know I am a Porter Whore but I think it is time to move on to maybe an Ale or a middle of the road Lager.  Here is a list of some of the beers I have sampled (just a few I will list, no need to sound like a functioning alcoholic).

Tire Bite Golden Ale - Flying Dog Brewery - 5.1% ABV
Not bad, fruity, and it was a bit unusual.  It kinda grew on me after I had half the bottle.  Not kegerator worthy but I would drink it again.

Sam Adams Summer Ale - Boston Beer Company - 5.3% ABV
This is the perfect beer to sit back and drink all day while watching the Phillies suck it.  It is light with some lemon characteristics. 

Colette Farmhouse Ale - Great Divide Brewing Company - 7.3% ABV
Gehhh. My beer enabler said this was a perfect summer beer and he loved it.  Good news Bruce...there will be plenty on the shelf cause I will not be buying anymore. 

While I was on my quest,  I was distracted by a bottle waving back and forth over my fence that put me into a drooling trance.  What!  A stout?  I can never say no to a stout!  Instantly I skipped over to the fence to retrieve the glistening bottle from my neighbor, who will remain nameless (Clare you know who you are).  Could drink-O-clock come faster, please?

Old Dominion Brewery
Oak Barrel Stout - 6.1% ABV

First I have to say...what a find!  This is a well crafted oak aged beer at an exceptional price!  Oak Barrel Stout is fermented with vanilla beans and oak chips to create a well balanced beverage.  My local beer enabler lists this at $9.99 for a six pack!  I know, freaking awesome right? 

It pours a rich, deep brown with a mesmerizing amount of cascading. The aroma wafting from the tan head was pretty faint.  Maybe a sweet toffee scent or caramel.  I almost did not want to disturb the amazing site, but I could not resist! 

Hello Lover - is what popped into my head with the first sip, then the second pull shouted... HOLY SHIT this is a great beer! 

The body was not too heavy despite it's rich appearance and for an oak aged stout it did not have the bold alcohol taste.  This is definately a perfect example of an American Stout.  You can certainly pick up the vanilla beans as the beer starts to warm up as well some smokey malts.  

So, there you have my review.  Hopefully it was worth the agonizing wait.  Blah ha ha!!!   


Thursday, March 15, 2012

A perfect Sunday and a perfect Porter...sigh

Great Lakes Brewing Company
Edmund Fitzgerald - 5.8% ABV

So, truth be told, I have been slacking on my blog entries and really have no legitimate excuse.  Well, maybe...I got a kegerator in my house and have not been trying many different beers except for what my little companion is storing.  My first beer to be poured from my fountain of youth is none other than Edmund Fitzgerald from Great Lakes Brewing Company. 

This complex porter has an amazing body and flavor that makes me grin from ear to ear.  With a perfect pour the cascading black gold made my mouth water and heart skip a beat.  The color was as dark as night with a creamy head that hung out at the top of the glass for almost an eternity!  Ok, I may be exaggerating but as I was waiting to take sip I felt like time stood still!  While I waited, not so patiently either, I was able to breath in the aroma of chocolate, coffee, and toffee. 

Isn't it just beautiful?

With the first sip I knew I was about to have an affair with Edmund...shhh.  This beer had the usual flavors of a porter, such as a bitter sweet chocolate with a smokey finish.  I did enjoy it ice cold but as it got to room temperature all the ingredients began to intensify.  The chocolate got richer and a sweet toffee flavor emerged.  It had a full to medium body that had just enough carbonation.  Edmund Fitzgerald was so delicious that I quickly kicked the sixtel and broke out into sweat in fear I was not able to replace it fast enough! True story.

So, if you are in the mood for a classic American Porter look no further my friends.  Edmund Fitzgerald is available year round and it will only set you back about $10 for a six pack. 




Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chicory Stout made me SMILE

Dogfish Head
Chicory Stout - 5.2% ABV

Dogfish Head has been very consistent on producing quality beer and they did it once again with the Chicory Stout.  Even with the low ABV of 5.2% I was very impressed.

This beer was not only pleasing to the palate,  it was pleasing to the eye.  The color was almost jet black with a fair amount of carbonation bolting to the top.  A mocha colored head finished the picture perfect beer.  A coffee and charred wood scents rose from the glass that would make any beer lover's mouth water. Sigh, I need a moment to gather my thoughts.

Don't you wish you could reach in and grab this beer?  

The flavor was just as I expected, coffee with a  smokey backbone.  It was a light to medium bodied beer that left a little hint of chocolate sweetness on my tongue.  This is a well balanced coffee porter that I will certainly get again and again.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Old Brown Dog Ale...I say Bad Ass Brown Dog Ale

Smuttynose Brewing Company
Old Brown Dog Ale - 6.5% ABV

I have said it before and I will say it again...nothing like feeling a little "smutty" sometimes and Smuttynose does the trick.  I have had the Robust Porter so why the hell not the Old Brown Dog Ale. 

The color was slightly brownish and it dressed the top of the glass with a small white head.  It quickly dissipated and it left the scent of sweet roasted malts rising from the brew.

Old Brown Dog Ale had a smooth caramelized malt taste which is a classic "American Brown Ale" characteristic. If you are use to an English Brown Ale this beer will be a bit more full bodied with more hops. I know, I am a "Hop Hater" and my hops radar not was screaming back away from the beer!  I even looked up the IBU and it was listed at a mear 15 IBU's.  Now, that's my kind of beer.  Gab on the other hand,  loves to pull hair out of her chest when she tosses back a beer with 80 or more IBU's.  I can not fathom is just wrong.  The ABV is also dead on for a typical Brown Ale, which most fall between 5-6%. Old Brown Dog rings in at a respectable 6.5% which in my book, makes a perfect beer.  Perfect in drinkability and perfect in I am not wasting my time drinking a 4% Nancy beer.

After drinking this fine brown ale I was inspired to take a crack at my own label.

Yeah, that's right...she is all Bad Ass and not afraid to show it!


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm sorry, is that a turtle in a cow suit? Why yes...Drink More Terrapin!

Terrapin Beer Company
Moo-Hoo - 6% ABV
I have to say, the one thing that micro brews have on the mass produced crap are catchy labels! I have seen a drunk Santa, pinups, hippos, fish with horns, and my favorite is a bad ass dog in prison stripes!  To be honest I sometimes just pick up a bottle to try because of the cool labels and I think Terrapin has people like me in mind or just a strange sense of humor.

So, if my amazing beer enabler (Mike) did not wheel out his ONE and ONLY case right in front of me and did not hand me one, I would have spied the strange bottle myself!  Tell me, who can pass up a bottle with a turtle dressed up as a cow with a sign that reads..."Drink More Terrapin".

Now Coors Light try to beat a turtle in a cow suit with your mountains and you cold label, or is it SUPER COLD.

Maybe if this was the label for Schlitz it would have kept Milwaukee on the map! Oh, and yes that is me in the picture, I am sure some of your suspicions are confirmed now.

Back to the review...

Once I had this chocolate milk stout chilled I poured the very dark brown brew with a heavy hand into my waiting glass.  There was little to almost no head achieved and what was left was a fine ring around the glass.  The aroma was of malt and a sweet milk chocolate. 

My first sip was not what I expected since the smell of sweet chocolate was prominent.  It was not all that sweet but a nice smooth milk stout with chocolate added to the mix.  The body was a little thin compared to the last milk stouts I have had but it was not a bad quality. 

If you are interested in trying this seasonal beer you better get Moo-ving to your nearest beer enabler!  I went back today to get a four pack and there was just ONE left!  The horror!!!!!


Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Bruery's Award-winning Saison Rue: "I appreciate the gesture, but no thanks."

by Gab

I have been mildly obsessed with Farmhouse Ales lately, so much so that I can no longer bitch about the affair Kathleen had with pumpkin ales this past fall.  Saison Rue from The Bruery is an award-winning, highly-rated Farmhouse Ale (aka Saison) from Orange County, CA.

Absolutely gorgeous color, typical of bottle-conditioned fabulousness. It appeared perfect in every way. As for the taste, it was incredibly smooth with mild citrus and earthy notes mixed with subtle spices and maltiness. (Note that it was lacking the thick, soapy head my beloved E.S. Bam displayed.) Notice the keywords here are smooth, mild, and subtle. There was no SHAZAM that I have experienced with other beers in this class, and I felt let down. It was definitely an exceptionally good, drinkable, beer, though. I sound conflicted, don't I? This beer took home the International Gold in 2008, and Beer Advocate rates it at 91. Don't get me wrong, with an ABV of 8.5% I was happy as I muddled through my do-I-or-don't-I dilemma, but with an IBU of just 30 I forgot to taste the second half of it as I sipped away. I really wanted to like this beer, and I did like it, but I didn't want it. Does that make sense?

Let me give you a better example. Let's say for instance, that I was offered this:

Wow. While this would undoubtedly be a very nice gesture, and I would be flattered as HELL, Ryan Gosling just doesn't do it for me. I think he's very talented and a great actor, and I openly admit to hitting rewind/pause at least 5 times when he took his shirt off in Crazy Stupid Love, but at the end of the day I think he's still kind of eh. For me, Ryan has an IBU of 30. He is smooth, mild, and subtle.

I would actually much rather have this man,

stained shirt and all. 

With an IBU of 90+, The Chadman imparts enough SHAZAM to last 60 years. And for me, hops are the zest of life.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

The weather outside is frightful, but I got a Good Beer...NO SHIT

"The Tail of Two Dogs"

Flying Dog Brewery
Road Dog Porter - 6% ABV

Some people head to the store to get eggs, milk, and bread before snow, (I guess to make french toast?) but I head right to the liqueur store.  There is no freaking way I am going to be stuck here on a cold night without provisions! I ended up walking out with a 6 pack of River Horse's Oatmeal Milk Stout plus a few singles of Kujo Imperial Coffee Stout and Road Dog Porter both by Flying Dog Brewery.

I already had the River Horse (great beer too BTW) so I went with the two gems from Flying Dog Brewery. 

Road Dog Porter had a creamy head that rose to about an inch but started to retreat within seconds.  What was left in the glass was a slightly hazy beer with an amber hue.

A malty aroma escaped from the glass along with a hint of hops.  God, I hate hops!  The bottle stated it had just 31 IBUs, so I thought I was safe from the hops.  Thankfully, my first sip was malty and earthy with mild carbonation.  Once I left the glass sit for about 10 minutes so the brew could get a little warmer the flavors shifted.  I could now taste the coffee and the roasted nutty characters emerged. 

How COOL is that label?  That dog is such a bad ass! This is the first label to be illustrated by Ralph Steadman and was almost not seen!  Initially this label was deemed profane and Flying Dog along with the ACLU went to court to fight to keep Ralph's motto "Good Beer...No Shit" on the label.  After many years Flying Dog won and it was ruled that art can not be censored!  Boosh! 

Now that my friends, is a good beer...NO SHIT!

Flying Dog Brewery
Kujo Imperial Coffee Stout - 8.9% ABV

My next move was to the nasty dog that looks like it was going to bite my face off!  Kujo Imperial Coffee Stout poured a gorgeous mahogany brown with amazing cascading! Sure I poured it with a heavy hand, but I am sure with a non aggressive pour it would be just as mesmerizing.  The head on this beer was a creamy coffee color that just about jumped out of my glass.  The head was riddled with large bubbles that seemed to last forever.

Really, how can you deny this?

The smell of coffee and vanilla took over my nose as well as my taste buds. I was expecting the coffee beans to take over, since it is an Imperial Coffee Stout, but the vanilla was more noticable. Kujo was medium bodied with a bitter/dry finish.  I left the beer  to warm up and the coffee flavor picked up.  I enjoyed this beer icy cold as well as slightly above room temperature. 

Kujo may have scared the crap out of me but it was worth every damn sip!


Sunday, January 15, 2012

A night with my Evil Twin

Evil Twin Brewery
Soft DK - 10% ABV

Spending time with my evil twin is usually a good time and sometimes involves possible illegal activity with poor judgement, but last night none of the above.  Sigh.  Instead I was sitting with an empty bottle of Soft DK brewed by Evil Twin Brewing. 

What?  Never heard of it? Uh, me either!!  My brother on the other hand has been drinking this brew for a few months even though the name Soft DK should have turned him off.  Evil Twin Brewing is a brewery from Denmark and just debuted in the US in April 2011.  A brewer by the name of Jeppe Jarnit-Bjergsø began his home brewing in 2003 but did not enter the commercial craft brew scene until 2005. Oh, and the name Evil Twin...hmmm.  Jeppe's brother is Mikkel Borg Bjergsø , who owns Mikkeller Brewery! Talk about sibling rivalry.  You may have heard of a few of his brews such as Beer Geek Brunch Weasel (made with weasel poo- true story), Beer Geek Breakfast. Big Worse, and many many more.

Some of the Evil Twin Lineup.

As you can see the name of the beers are a little off the wall and I believe one of them (not pictured) is called Cat Piss.  Yeah, not sure that is a crowd pleaser but whatever floats your boat, right?  The beer that I am reviewing is the the brew on the far left marketed as Soft DK because the US is all freaking uptight about being PC.  Whatever.

Soft DK 's color was dark as night with a beautiful caramel colored head.  Lacing and the carbonation looked amazing and I think it whispered...DRINK ME.  The aroma was that of chocolate, sweet coffee, and vanilla.  At this point, I was pretty sure I was going to totally fall in love with a beer named after poo!  My first sip was a total shock to my taste buds.  It was extremely bitter, almost like a hop bitter.  God I hate hops.  I did not see the IBU on the bottle but I went on Google and it was listed at 60 IBU's. Once the bitterness finished beating my tongue up it had a strong dark chocolate flavor with a dry finish.  After a few more sips I tasted a faint coffee undertone and some vanilla.  What I did not pick up was the alcohol taste.  With 10% ABV I was expecting to have a strong alcohol burn but it was not present. 

Overall,  my night with the Evil Twin was not as exciting or tasty as I hoped for but at 10% ABV it was all forgotten and forgiven.  


Friday, January 6, 2012

Oktoberfest Lager in the winter...Whaaaa?

Erie Brewing Company
Fallenbock - 7.8% ABV

Last week I had my cousins over for a mini Oktoberfest/Holiday party and they brought over some craft beers to sample as well. One beer that  brought back a twinkle in my eye was Fallenbock,  by Erie Brewing Company.  Oh, and the drunk ram on the bottle made it even more enticing.  Seriously, a beer to knock out a ram is a brew for me!

Once opened, the traditional Oktoberfest Lager had a rich malty scent that made me so wish it was fall again.  The days of pumpkin beers and a wonderful array of beers to choose from, not like now...NOTHING but leftover beer and snow!  Damn it. 

The color was a rich chocolate brown topped with a rather weak head.  Small and only lasted just a few minutes.  What?  Fallenbock had a classic lager body and the taste was of chocolate malts with a crisp finish.  Nicely done, and with a 7.8% ABV I was waiting to be like the ram on the label, happy and on my back.  Blah ha ha...wait.


My Night With a Yeti

by Jackie M.

I need chocolate. A burly man. And sometimes, some booze. Not necessarily in that order. I think all women do actually. 

*Gents, pay attention here. I've yet to meet a lady that disputes the following theory.* 

I believe that women only need to know two things in life to be happy: 

1. That they're loved. 

2. There's chocolate in the house. 

Seriously. Nothing else matters. Women are all about security, and if we are secure in our knowledge that we are loved and that our pantry is stocked with chocolate, then all is well with the world. But if one of these sacred rules is broken, if there is doubt, then life may as well be over. That being said, it does happen, from time to time, a moment when we ladies feel like the world is ending. So what's a girl to do when she's not feeling the love, and her cupboards are free of that delicious cacao-based manna? Turn to the third (lesser known) part of my theory: If all else fails, booze. I faced just such a dilemma the other night. After suffering another long workday, I came home hoping to find a few little pieces of dark chocolate to help shore up my weakening spirit. But there were none. I searched high and low, but there was nary a morsel of the good stuff in sight. So what did I do? I turned to the bottle. And not just any bottle. I turned to the Yeti

Thankfully this dark beast of a beer didn't disappoint. It's rich, chocolate-y overtones helped stave off one of my cravings, and with an ABV of 9.5%, this Russian Imperial Stout was kind enough to help me forget why I'd been so stressed earlier in the day. Its sweet, rich aroma has notes of caramel and vanilla that mingle together nicely. But its complex flavor is what will immediately capture your attention. It completely engages your focus so that you have to consider its strength, its range, its mystery. Its nuanced flavor starts smooth and ends with a little bite, but it's just a nip, and the overall finish is velvet-smooth. Don't be turned off by the 75 IBU, the edge of bitterness is necessary in order to fully understand and appreciate the rich and sweet, deep comfort that lies at the center of this beer. Like a burly man, this beer is perfect for when you want to snuggle up by the fire and enjoy the deliciousness of being wrapped in something warm and fuzzy. So, ladies, should you find yourself without an ounce of chocolate in your pantry and lacking the sating love that allows us to keep the home fires burning, give the Yeti a go. You won't be disappointed.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The 2011 Best in Brew!!!

What a year 2011 has been for Gab and I.  We traveled to Wyerbacher Brewery in Easton and attended a local Spingfest.  I also hosted an Oktoberfest that would make any beer enthusiast proud.  We hope that this year brings many more fantastic discoveries and less hangovers.  But before we ring in the new year Gab and I wanted to leave our loyal readers a list of our top 5 beers of 2011.

Number 5...

Gab: Weyerbacher - Double Simcoe IPA

Kath: Shipyard Brewing Company-  Imperial Porter (Pugsley's Signature Series)

Number 4...

Gab: Great Lakes - Lake Erie Monster

Kath : Breckenridge Brewery - Vanilla Porter

Number 3...

Gab: Iron Hill Brewery - Ironfish

Kath: Brooklyn Brewery - Black Chocolate Stout

Number 2...

Gab: Dogfish Head - Hellhound On My Ale

Kath: Weyerbacher - Imperial Pumpkin

Number 1...

Gab: Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales - E.S. Bam Hoppy Farmhouse Ale

Kath: Southern Tier - Imperial Pumking

Gab: This was hard for me. We have sampled and enjoyed so many wonderful brews this year, picking just 5 was not so easy. SOI have a few honorable mentions: Samuel Adams Harvest Pumpkin Ale (SOOOO good), Dogfish Head 120 minute IPA (I was Vigga vigga in about 5 minutes, while on the phone with Kathleen and watching American Horror Story - the perfect cocktail!), and Weyerbacher's Heresy - Maker's Mark barrels make everything better, kinda like bacon.

Kath: This was also hard for me too!!!  I was in love with so many beers last year that I felt like I was a teenager again, thinking I was in love ever other week.  True Story.  As Gab mentioned earlier,  the Samuel Adams Harvest Pumpkin Ale was a sneaky seasonal ale.  It was not hyped up but it was incredible.  I also have to give a honorable mention to The Poet by New Holland  Brewing Company, and last Brooklyn Lager by Brooklyn Brewery.  Brooklyn Brewery has made me happy on several occasions.  Wink Wink.
Hoppy New Years!!!

