Sunday, November 13, 2011

Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout & Guest

Brooklyn Brewery
Black Chocolate Stout - 10% ABV

This was a dream stout and incredibly priced at $7.99 in my neck of the woods for a four pack.  Not too shabby for a fantastic brew with a side of kick your ass!  It poured a black as night and the head was  creamy and tan.

Look at that sweetness!!  It was just as beautiful to taste as it was to look at!  It smelled of roasted malt and bitter chocolate.  The taste lingered on my palate and it was welcomed to stay!  It was complex yet simple: the flavors yielded by simple ingredients, and complex in how they mingled to create a masterpiece.

But do not just take my word for it this time, folks!  My brother, Ryan, is a beer snob like us!  He tried this luscious beer and composed his own blog entry! 

So, without any further ado, please read Ryan's guest blog entry...

Stopped by the local Wegmans to see if Southern Tier Choklat hit the shelves yet.  Unfortunately it did not so I settled for a four pack of Brooklyn "Black Chocolate Stout" for about nine bucks.  This one weighs in at 10% abv which I certainly like.  It pours nice and black with a small light brown head.  I can smell the chocolate but it's not as pronounced as my beloved Southern Tier Choklat.  It tastes very good with hints of chocolate and coffee, almost a bitterness to it.  Next to ST Choklat this is a fine stout and I will definitely be buying some of this again.  I'll go ahead and give this two hangovers up.  Very drinkable brew and I should have bought more but I do have some back up weapons lurking in the ice box. 

What is that stainless steel masterpiece next to my beverage you ask?  Why that is my Ed Brown 1911 pistol in .45 caliber.  This particular weapon has ridden with me just about everyday for the last six years and has never let me down.  The 1911 was invented by Sir John Moses Browning in the year 1911.  The 1911 was the standard issue side arm for our armed forces from 1911-1985 and is still used today by the Marine Corps Special Operations Command, LAPD SWAT, and the FBI Hostage Rescue Team to name a few.  A design made one hundred years ago and is still serving folks' shooting needs today!  How cool is that?  

Typically, guns and alcohol don't mix all that well.  I can assure you that no babies or unicorns were harmed while taking these photos.  After the photos were taken the gun was secured in her proper home while I sit here and enjoy Sunday football along with my beverages.
Bravo Ryan!!!  I am one proud younger sister!  Blah ha ha!!! 


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