Sunday, February 5, 2012

Old Brown Dog Ale...I say Bad Ass Brown Dog Ale

Smuttynose Brewing Company
Old Brown Dog Ale - 6.5% ABV

I have said it before and I will say it again...nothing like feeling a little "smutty" sometimes and Smuttynose does the trick.  I have had the Robust Porter so why the hell not the Old Brown Dog Ale. 

The color was slightly brownish and it dressed the top of the glass with a small white head.  It quickly dissipated and it left the scent of sweet roasted malts rising from the brew.

Old Brown Dog Ale had a smooth caramelized malt taste which is a classic "American Brown Ale" characteristic. If you are use to an English Brown Ale this beer will be a bit more full bodied with more hops. I know, I am a "Hop Hater" and my hops radar not was screaming back away from the beer!  I even looked up the IBU and it was listed at a mear 15 IBU's.  Now, that's my kind of beer.  Gab on the other hand,  loves to pull hair out of her chest when she tosses back a beer with 80 or more IBU's.  I can not fathom is just wrong.  The ABV is also dead on for a typical Brown Ale, which most fall between 5-6%. Old Brown Dog rings in at a respectable 6.5% which in my book, makes a perfect beer.  Perfect in drinkability and perfect in I am not wasting my time drinking a 4% Nancy beer.

After drinking this fine brown ale I was inspired to take a crack at my own label.

Yeah, that's right...she is all Bad Ass and not afraid to show it!


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