Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Great Lakes Brewing Co. Eliot Ness

Great Lakes Brewing Co. Eliot Ness 6.2%
Gab: This handcrafted Amber Lager from Cleveland, Ohio is a real treat. Not too light, not too heavy, just what you would expect from a great lager. I almost always prefer a hop-heavy IPA or a black-as-night Stout, but I will come back to this beer again and again. Great taste, gorgeous amber color, perfect summer-time beer for peeps like me who don’t care as much for the pale ales. I would give this a GBF (Gab Buzz Factor) of 5, not too shabby! My husband and I are expecting company from some loyal Yuengling-lovers in the weeks to come; I think I will be offering my guests Eliot Ness instead.
I wanted to add a brief note about Great Lakes Brewing Co. I'm very impressed by how environmentally-conscious these guys are. The label reads, “In memory of Eliot Ness and his paddy wagon of guilty criminals, we have the “Fatty Wagon” (minus the criminals). Our eco-friendly Fatty Wagon and beer delivery truck both run on straight vegetable oil (SVO),  which results in lower toxic emissions and a 25% savings over the cost of regular diesel fuel”. Nice! Additionally, Eliot Ness is brewed according to the Bavarian Purity Law of 1516: only barley, hops, yeast, and water. I love this beer and look forward to sampling more of what Great Lakes has to offer!
 Kathleen is away for the week, , but we have some fun plans for this weekend. We'll have lots of pics and tales for you!

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